Saturday 21 January 2012

Adjusting Your Lifestyle

Depending on how many weeks you have available to get to your desired result we’d need to adjust the training intensity and nutrition plan. Everything will depend on your goals, dedication, determination and discipline. From personal experience best results are achieved over a 8-12 week period. Seeing that I have exactly 24 weeks until my birthday I’ve decided to split up into 3 x 7 weeks training camps with a week of rest at the end of it.

Again, depending on your goal even a single 7 week training camp is plenty of time to get in shape. Feel free to email for personal consultation. Let me know what your goal is and how much time we have. I am happy to put together a plan for you anywhere in between 4 weeks (tough/high intensity/limited result) and 26 weeks (moderate/disciplined/significant results).

Regardless of the training duration, the scientific and disciplined approach to preparation and ultimately your achievements and results will come down to a few rules. The following 6 rules are by no means the be all and end all. They are only supposed to serve as guidelines. However, I promise you, the more closely you stick to them the more drastic your physical transformation will be. I’ve designed these ultimately keeping in mind that we all have a social life and of course want to keep it.

Rule # 1: You start treating your body well from now on. Please consider everything you consume from now on, i.e. drink, eat, smoke has an effect on your body. So keep in mind, what you put in you will also get out. Replacing chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks with nutritious food such as vegetables and fruit will allow you to train harder.

Rule # 2: We train 7 days every fort night, no exceptions.  In order to keep a social life, I’d recommend training Sun-Thu, resting Fri-Sat, but I leave that up to you. If you’re planning to train on Wednesday, then during the day get invited to a dinner, just say you can’t make it, you already have plans. You might say something like: “Would love to, hey can we go tomorrow Thursday?”

Rule # 3: No white bread, no beers and under no circumstances any pizza, not even a slice. OK, zero beers is impossible but keep it to a minimum. If you just drink one or two days per week, you’ll still be consuming too many but at least you give your body enough time to focus on what we need it to … grow! After 4 pints, consider switching to slim line G&Ts or white wine spritzers. Say goodbye to those late night kebab (I’m the kebab king and if I can do it means you can do it). In fact no eating after drinking, not even a snack. Pound a pint of water and go to bed. Breakfast is just around the corner!

Rule # 4: You must have a big breakfast as soon as you wake up/get into work. You need energy. Rather than having big lunches and dinners, switch to snacking all day. Cut out the fats. If there is a diet/light/zero/fat free option, go for it. Make sure you eat a lot of meat, chicken is the leanest meat out there, so start loving the chicken! You will need to get a protein supplement, it’s practically impossible to eat enough protein without those.

Rule # 5: Drink lots of water – You want to aim to drink between 3-4 Litres every day. It may seem a lot but you will also be sweating a lot. Keep hydrated!

Rule # 6: Rest – Aim to get up to 8h every day. More if you can.

These rules may seem very strict. As I mentioned, it is totally fine to swerve off the rules every now and again. But, for best results try to stick to them as much as you can. I tend to keep to them as well as possible. And if I’ve had a couple of good days, I treat myself to something small and tasty. This way I don’t totally starve myself of everything and it feels good to come back to the routine/discipline again.

I will be writing a lot about nutrition in the coming days so keep checking in. We’ll be looking at what to order when out in restaurants. Also, advise on preparing healthy options at home and what you need to shop and should always have at home.

Happy Saturday! Enjoy that beer!! When you eat, appreciate every last bite.


  1. Okay, Doc...I'm going to attempt to follow the rules!

    1. Fantastic news Amers79! Welcome! And thanks for joining! Would love to hear from you how you're getting along.


All feedback welcome! Would love to hear your thoughts.