Friday 29 June 2012


Set in 480BC, 300 is a fantasy/action film based on the Battle of Thermopylae during which 300 Spartans led by King Leonidas make a heroic stand against the overwhelming Persian army commanded by Xerxes. If you haven’t seen the film, go watch it. Alright, it’s not exactly an award winning blockbuster but it’s a pure cult movie.

I like it for its OTT brutality and the venomous and famous This Is Sparta cry. It also made me wonder, how did Gerard Butler get those six-pack abs, that stacked upper body and those rock-hard thighs?
This is how! Check out this workout. The Spartan 300 workout contains of:

·         Pullups - 25 reps
·         Barbell Deadlift with 135 lbs. - 50 reps
·         Pushups - 50 reps
·         24-inch Box Jumps - 50 reps
·         Floor Wipers - 50 reps
·         Single-Arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
·         Pullups - 25 reps

According to Craig Ballantyne (Men's Health contributor and strength and conditioning coach): “It's a brutal workout, starting out strong and slowing down, finishing at a crawl … I don't plan on doing that any time soon or, really, ever again."

Sounds like my kind of workout - planning on doing it tonight. I’ll let you know how I stacked up.

Thursday 28 June 2012

The clock it ticking ...

This blog is the classic mirror reflection of the fitness industry. When the clock strikes midnight on 31st December, each year we are full of two things: champagne and the desire to change. We’ve all drawn up that list of new years’ resolutions to force change typically around health, wealth and happiness. A very likely trend across all such forced changes is that by 15th January most of those resolutions have been broken. It so happens that my last fitness related blog post came on 26th January. Time to take stock and pick up the pieces.

Earlier this year, I set out to improve my physical appearance and train myself into the best body shape of my life (let’s refresh our memory here; Fit By July 2012). Sometimes you start a project with the best intentions but life has a way of putting obstacles in my way. There always is another work email/project that needs doing, a holiday to go on, a night out drinking, a day on the sofa to recover from the drinking, etc. that takes higher short term importance over that next workout. Truth be told, while my blogging has been non-existent over the past 5 months my training has only been slightly better. Far from exemplary but I have averaged somewhere around 2 workouts per week. I already mentioned old habits, lacking a clear goal/aim and the fact that physical exercise with the sole purpose of maintenance is not rewarding.

So, the clock is ticking. Fact. I’ve got 3 weeks left to make a change. Oh and I’ve stupidly signed up to a Tough Mudder event which is also rapidly approaching. Time to ramp up the training, change my workout routine and diet. Watch this space.